Match Report

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Match Report

Match Report
There are a few clouds overhead here at Ground Estádio da Madeira where Desportivo Nacional play host to Académica de Coimbra. Its a sell-out today with the 21,000 capacity stadium completely full.
Both Desportivo Nacional and Académica de Coimbra are lined up in a 4-3-3 formation.

Académica de Coimbra start the game by kicking off the first half!
Abel Lima surges forward with the ball. Abel Lima chips the ball to his team mate, Artur Viana. Artur Viana threads the ball through to David Carvalho but he's offside!
Miguel Ramos controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Rodrigo Lopes. Rodrigo Lopes knocks in a cross ball towards Ricardo Andrade. Ricardo Andrade directs the ball goalwards with his head. Carlos Lopes easily picks it out of the air!
Mario Lima kicks a strong pass forward to Ricardo Andrade. Ricardo Andrade plays a perfect one-two with Rodrigo Lopes and rushes in on goal... Ricardo Andrade cuts inside the defence and shoots at goal. What a cracker!! Carlos Lopes had no chance!! Goal for Desportivo Nacional!
Diogo Oliveira deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Mario Lima. Mario Lima makes a probing pass to David Alves. David Alves goes all the way! David Alves shoots from just inside the box but he skews it badly. The ball flies well over the bar!
Silvio Soares chips the ball to his team mate, David Carvalho. David Carvalho goes all the way! David Carvalho shoots from just inside the box. It's miles wide!
Daniel Barros knocks the ball to his team mate, Haoulid Colucci. Haoulid Colucci makes a simple pass to David Carvalho. David Carvalho shoots from just inside the box but it flies wide!
Jaime Pinheiro passes the ball forward to David Alves. David Alves goes all the way! David Alves cuts inside the defence and shoots at goal which easily beats the keeper. Goal!!
Silvio Soares deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Artur Viana. Artur Viana goes all the way! Artur Viana shows great control and tries a shot on goal. The ball swerves viciously but the keeper is more than a match for it. Saved!
Desportivo Nacional are easily keeping Académica de Coimbra at bay, but can't capitalise on it.
Mario Lima catches Silvio Soares on the ankles. The referee reaches into his pocket ... it's a yellow card! Silvio Soares gets up, but that knock is affecting his game.
Samuel Bento surges forward with the ball. Samuel Bento threads the ball through to Artur Viana. Artur Viana whips in a cross ball towards David Carvalho. David Carvalho connects with the ball, driving a powerful header at goal. The ball flies into the top corner - goal!!
The play is deadlocked with neither team giving up possession lightly.
Abel Lima threads the ball through to Luigi Mutarelli. Luigi Mutarelli makes a probing pass to Artur Viana. Artur Viana knocks in a cross ball which is cleared by the defence.
Luigi Mutarelli knocks the ball to his team mate, Haoulid Colucci. Haoulid Colucci plays a perfect one-two with Artur Viana and rushes in on goal... Haoulid Colucci cuts inside the defence and shoots at goal but it flies wide!
Haoulid Colucci clumsily knocks into Marcos Pena. Haoulid Colucci is given a warning by the referee! Marcos Pena stretches but gets up unharmed.
Jaime Pinheiro catches Daniel Barros on the ankles. The referee calls over Jaime Pinheiro and warns him to calm down! Daniel Barros hobbles a bit, but should be okay.
Daniel Barros threads the ball through to Haoulid Colucci. Haoulid Colucci plays a perfect one-two with Artur Viana and rushes in on goal... Haoulid Colucci cuts inside the defence and shoots at goal. The ball comes in low, but Abel Viana easily smothers it!
The whistle blows and the first half comes to an end!

Desportivo Nacional kick off!
Robert Trustfull flicks the ball to his team mate, Daniel Barros. Daniel Barros knocks the ball forward to Haoulid Colucci. Haoulid Colucci controls the ball perfectly and tries a long range shot on goal. Magnificent save by Abel Viana!
Daniel Barros sees space and advances. Daniel Barros makes a probing pass to Haoulid Colucci but he's offside!
Mario Lima barges into Silvio Soares. The referee calls over Mario Lima and warns him to calm down! Silvio Soares runs off the knock.
Marcos Pena comes in with a late challenge on David Carvalho. Marcos Pena is warned by the referee! David Carvalho hobbles a bit, but should be okay.
Daniel Barros makes a simple pass to Artur Viana. Artur Viana finds some space and shoots from distance. It's there!! Abel Viana has to pick the ball from the back of the net!
Silvio Soares deftly passes the ball to his team mate, David Carvalho. David Carvalho goes all the way! David Carvalho cuts inside the defence and shoots at goal. Magnificent save by Abel Viana!
Silvio Soares surges forward with the ball. Silvio Soares knocks in a cross ball towards David Carvalho. David Carvalho powers a header at goal. Abel Viana easily smothers it.
Daniel Barros knocks the ball forward to Haoulid Colucci. Haoulid Colucci goes all the way! Haoulid Colucci rockets a shot on goal. It's a goal!! What a beauty!
Miguel Ramos comes in with a late challenge on Luigi Mutarelli. Miguel Ramos is warned by the referee! Luigi Mutarelli hobbles a bit, but should be okay.
Luigi Mutarelli controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Artur Viana. Artur Viana lofts in a cross ball towards David Carvalho. David Carvalho connects with the ball, driving a powerful header at goal but it goes wide for a goal kick.
Sergio Vieira knocks the ball forward to Miguel Ramos. Miguel Ramos makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Ricardo Andrade. Ricardo Andrade knocks in a cross ball towards Rodrigo Lopes. Rodrigo Lopes heads the ball goalwards but he skews it badly. The ball flies well over the bar!
Scott Jacobs makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Silvio Soares. Silvio Soares deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Haoulid Colucci. Haoulid Colucci lofts in a cross ball towards Artur Viana. Artur Viana directs the ball goalwards with his head. The ball is well placed but the keeper is a match for it. Saved!
Luigi Mutarelli knocks the ball to his team mate, David Carvalho. David Carvalho goes all the way! David Carvalho takes a shot at goal but somehow Abel Viana manages to keep it out.
Silvio Soares threads the ball through to Haoulid Colucci. Haoulid Colucci shoots from outside the area. It's miles wide!
Full-time is reached with the referee blowing his whistle!

The man of the match was awarded to David Carvalho of Académica de Coimbra

Match Statistics

Match Statistics
Goals: 2 vs 3
Shots on Target
Shots on Target: 3 vs 10
Shots off Target
Shots off Target: 2 vs 5
Offsides: 0 vs 2
Fouls: 5 vs 1
Yellow Cards
Yellow Cards: 1 vs 0
Red Cards
Red Cards: 0 vs 0

Possession: 35.8024691358025 vs 64.1975308641975
Play Area
Home team third: 34.57%, Midfield: 48.15%, Away team third: 17.28%